이민국 (US Citizenship and Immigration Services), 국토안보부 (US Department of Homeland Security), 국무부 (US Department of State), 노동부 (US Department of Labor) 등 미국 이민 관련 정부들의 이민행정 뉴스를 업데이트 합니다.
발표일시: 2023.3.27
이민국은 3월 27일 2024 회계연도 취업비자 (H-1B) 사전등록 접수 결과 비자 할당량 (Cap)을 초과하는 케이스가 접수돼 추첨을 통해 당첨자를 가려냈다고 발표했다. 이민국은 또한 추첨 결과를 스폰서 고용주에 통보했다고 밝혔다.
당첨된 케이스는 고용주의 이민국 어카운트에 해당 신청자 사전등록에 Selected라고 업데이트 되며, 처음 등록된 상태 그대로 Submitted라고 되어있는 경우 추후 결원이 생기면 이민국은 7월, 11월 새로운 추첨에 의해 추가 당첨자를 발표한다.
[이민국 공지]
FY 2024 H-1B Cap Season Updates
Release Date 03/27/2023
H-1B Initial Electronic Registration Selection Process Completed
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has received enough electronic registrations during the initial registration period to reach the fiscal year (FY) 2024 H-1B numerical allocations (H-1B cap), including the advanced degree exemption (master’s cap). We have randomly selected from the registrations properly submitted to reach the cap, and have notified all prospective petitioners with selected registrations that they are eligible to file an H-1B cap-subject petition for the beneficiary named in the applicable selected registration.
Registrants’ online accounts will now show one of the following statuses for each registration (that is, for each beneficiary registered):
For more information, visit the H-1B Electronic Registration Process page.
FY 2024 H-1B Cap Petitions May Be Filed Starting April 1
H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2024, including those petitions eligible for the advanced degree exemption, may be filed with USCIS beginning April 1, 2023, if based on a valid, selected registration.
Only petitioners with selected registrations may file H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2024, and only for the beneficiary named in the applicable selected registration notice.
An H-1B cap-subject petition must be properly filed at the correct service center and within the filing period indicated on the relevant registration selection notice. The period for filing the H-1B cap-subject petition will be at least 90 days.
Online filing is not available for H-1B petitions, so petitioners filing H-1B petitions must do so by paper. Petitioners must include a printed copy of the applicable registration selection notice with the FY 2024 H-1B cap-subject petition.
Petitioners filing H-1B cap-subject petitions, including those petitions eligible for the advanced degree exemption, must still establish eligibility for petition approval based on existing statutory and regulatory requirements.
Selection in the registration process does not relieve the petitioner of submitting evidence or otherwise establishing eligibility, as registration only pertains to eligibility to file the H-1B cap-subject petition.
For more information, visit the H-1B Cap Season page.
Pre-paid Mailer Suspension
We will not use prepaid mailers to send out any communication or final notices for FY 2024 cap-subject H-1B petitions, including those requesting consideration under the advanced degree exemption.
The process of printing and mailing the cap-subject H-1B petition approval notices by first-class mail is fully automated. Using prepaid mailers requires a separate, more time-consuming manual process. The existing automated process is more efficient for both petitioners and USCIS. Because of this, we will use first-class mail as we work to process all cap-subject petitions in a timely manner.
Receipt Notice Delays
When we receive a timely and properly filed H-1B cap subject petition, the petitioner (and, if applicable, the petitioner’s legal representative) will be provided a Form I-797, Notice of Action, communicating receipt of the petition. Due to increased filing volumes typically seen during H-1B cap filing periods, there are instances where a petition is timely and properly filed, but issuance of the Form I-797 is delayed. If you are a petitioner and have confirmation from the delivery service that the petition was delivered, but you have not yet received a Form I-797 confirming receipt of the petition, you should not submit a second petition. If you have confirmation from the delivery service that the petition was delivered and you then submit a second petition, you will be considered to have submitted duplicate petitions. This will result in denial or revocation of both petitions.
If more than 30 days have passed since the confirmation of delivery and you have still not received a Form I-797, you may contact the USCIS Contact Center for assistance.
If you receive notification from the delivery service, or your tracking information suggests, that there may be a delay or damage to the package or that the package was misrouted, you should follow the Delivery Service Error Guidance on the H-1B Cap Season webpage.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)
발표일시: 2023.3.17
이민국 (USCIS)은 3월 31일부터 그 동안 아리조나 피닉스 (Phoenix)시에서 택배 (Courier) 서비스 (FedEx, UPS, DHL 등)로 접수받던 신청서를 템피 (Tempe)시로 옮겨 접수받는다고 발표했다. USPS (우체국) 등 레귤러로 접수받는 신청서는 기존대로 피닉스 접수처 주소에서 계속 접수받는다.
이민국은 4월 28일까지는 기존 피닉스 주소로 오는 택배 서비스로 접수되는 케이스를 새로운 템피 접수처로 직접 전달해주지만 4월 28일 이후부터는 접수받지 않는다고 밝혔다.
자세한 사항은 이민국 Lockbox Location Updates를 참고하면 된다.
[이민국 공지]
Release Date 03/17/2023
On March 31, applicants and petitioners filing at the Phoenix lockbox will see a new filing location for courier delivery services such as UPS, FedEx, and DHL. We will move our Phoenix lockbox to Tempe, AZ, for courier delivery services. When using the U.S. Postal Service, the filing location will remain the same.
We will forward any applications, petitions, or requests received via courier delivery services between March 31 and April 28. After April 28, we will not accept courier delivery services at the previous address.
Our Lockbox Filing Location Updates page provides an up-to-date summary of changes we make to any lockbox filing location.
For the most current information on where to file, please see the Where to File section on the webpage for your form. You can also subscribe to the Forms Updates GovDelivery distribution list to receive an email each time we update a filing location.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)
발표일시: 2023.3.6
이민국 (USCIS)은 3월 6일부터 F-1 유학생들의 OPT (Optional Practical Training) 신청에도 급행 서비스 (Premium Processing Service)를 적용해 접수받기로 했다. 즉 OPT 신청시 이민국 신청서 I-907 (접수비 $1,500) 을 제출해 급행 서비스를 신청하면 접수일로부터 15일 이내에 이민국으로부터 승인여부를 결정받게 된다.
OPT는 F-1 유학생이 프로그램을 완료하기 전후에 해당 분야에 취업하여 최소 일년간 실무를 경험할 수 있도록 허용하는 제도이다. 과학, 기술, 공업, 수학 (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) 분야의 이른바 STEM OPT는 추가로 24개월 연장도 가능해 총 3년 동안 OPT를 할 수 있다.
기존에 OPT 수속은 신청 이후 수개월을 기다려 승인을 받은 뒤 현장에 채용될 수 있었지만, 이번에 급행 신청을 허용하면서 이같은 단점을 없애고 효율성을 높이는 결과를 가져올 것으로 기대된다.
이민국은 OPT 신청에서의 급행서비스 신청 (Premium Processing Service) 을 우선 업그레이드 케이스를 시작으로 다음과 같이 순차적으로 확대, 접수받기로 했다. OPT 신청자는 본인에게 해당되는 케이스의 시행날짜를 정확히 알고 급행 신청서 I-907 을 접수해야 서류가 반환되는 (Reject) 낭패를 당하지 않는다.
이 카테고리에 해당되는 OPT 신청자는 급행 신청 Form I-907을 온라인으로 접수할 수 있으며, 기존 버전의 페이퍼 신청서로도 접수할 수 있다. 기타 자세한 접수방법 및 적용되는 케이스에 대해서는 아래 이민국 공지사항을 참고하면 된다.
** 이민케이스는 시간이 중요합니다.
비용 때문이라면 망설이지 마시고 바로 저희와 상의하시기 바랍니다. 카톡상담
[이민국 공지]
USCIS Announces Premium Processing; New Online-Filing Procedures for Certain F-1 Students Seeking OPT or STEM OPT Extensions
Release Date 03/06/2023
WASHINGTON — U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced today the expansion of premium processing for certain F-1 students seeking Optional Practical Training (OPT) and F-1 students seeking science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) OPT extensions who have a pending Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, and wish to request a premium processing upgrade.
Online filing of Form I-907, Request for Premium Processing Service, is now also available to F-1 students in these categories. USCIS continues to accept the latest paper version of this form by mail.
“The availability of premium processing for certain F-1 students, in addition to the ease of online filing, will streamline the immigration experience for a great many international students,” said USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou. “The ongoing expansion of online filing is a priority for USCIS as we continue to create operational efficiencies and increase access to the immigration system for stakeholders, applicants, petitioners, requestors, and those we serve.”
Premium processing expansion for certain F-1 students will occur in phases, and students requesting premium processing should not file before these dates:
USCIS will reject premium processing requests for a pending Form I-765 if received before March 6, and will reject any premium processing request for an initial or concurrently filed Form I-765 that is received before April 3.
To file Form I-907 online, an applicant must first create a USCIS online account, which provides a convenient and secure method to submit forms, pay fees, and track the status of any pending USCIS immigration request throughout the adjudication process. There is no cost to set up a USCIS online account, which offers a variety of features, including the ability to communicate with USCIS through a secure inbox and respond to Requests for Evidence online.
Applicants who previously filed a paper Form I-765 and wish to file Form I-907 online to request premium processing should reference the USCIS Account Access Notice they received for the Online Access Code and details on how to link their paper-filed cases to their online account, or they will not be able to file Form I-907 online and will need file a paper Form I-907 with the Chicago lockbox.
As previously announced, the expansion of premium processing is part of USCIS’ efforts to increase efficiency and reduce burdens to the overall immigration system, and is being implemented in a phased approach.
The addition of online filing for Form I-907 brings the total number of forms available for online filing to 16. The Forms Available to File Online page has links to file all of these forms. USCIS continues to accept the latest paper versions of all forms by mail. More than 1.8 million applications, petitions and requests were filed online in FY 2022, a 53% increase from the 1.2 million filed in FY 2021.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)
발표일시: 2023.2.8
이민국 (USCIS)은 2월 10일부터 Form I-360 을 사용하는 일부 카테고리의 접수주소 (Lockbox Address)를 변경한다고 공지했다.
이번에 접수주소가 변경되는 카테고리는 학대받는 가족 (배우자, 자녀, 부모) Self-Petitioning Abused Spouses, Children, Parents 케이스로 기존에 Vermont Service Center로 접수하던 신청서를 2월 10일 부터는 Nebraska Service Center로 접수해야 한다. 기존 Vermont 주소로 접수하는 케이스는 이날부터 30일간 유예기간 (Grace Period)을 주고 이민국 자체에서 Nebraska Service Center로 서류 패키지를 Transfer 해준다. 단, 30일 Grace Period가 지난 후부터 Vermont Service Center로 접수된 위 카테고리의 I-360과 I-485 (영주권신청) 서류는 모두 반환 (Reject) 처리 되므로 주의가 요망된다.
한인들에게는 종교이민 청원서 (Petition for Religious Worker)로 널리 알려진 이민국 Form I-360은 전시에 출생한 미 시민권자의 자녀, 미망인, 그리고 각종 특별이민 (종교, 의학, 청소년 범죄자, 학대 가족 등)의 청원서 (Petition)로도 사용되고 있다.
종교이민 페티션은 기존대로 신청자의 거주지 주소에 따라 Phoenix, AZ; Elgin, IL; Chicago, IL; Lewisville, TX 네 군데 Lockbox로 나눠서 접수하면 된다.
[이민국 공지]
Release Date
Starting February 10, 2023, self-petitioning abused spouses, children, and parents must file Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant, and Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, at the Nebraska Service Center instead of the Vermont Service Center.
If you are a Self-Petitioning Abused Spouse, Child, or Parent filing:Then mail your petition/application to:
Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant
Nebraska Service Center
U.S. Postal Service (USPS):
P.O. Box 87426
Lincoln, NE 68501-7526
FedEx, UPS, and DHL deliveries:
Attn: 360 VAWA
850 S St.
Lincoln, NE 68508-1225
Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status
Nebraska Service Center
U.S. Postal Service (USPS):
P.O. Box 87426
Lincoln, NE 68501-7526
FedEx, UPS, and DHL deliveries:
Attn: 485U VAWA
850 S St.
Lincoln, NE 68508-1225
We have updated the addresses on the Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-360, Immigrant Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er) or Special Immigrant, page and the Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, page.
We will allow a 30-day grace period for petitioners to file Form I-360 and Form I-485 at the Vermont Service Center. Items must be postmarked on or before March 12, 2023. After that date, we will reject and return any application, secure identity documents, and other correspondence to the safe address, preferred address or the address of the Attorney or Accredited Representative if any listed on an accompanying Form G-28.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)
발표일시: 2023.1.30
이민국 (USCIS)은 1월 30일부터 보안을 강화하기 위해 새롭게 디자인한 영주권 카드 (Permanent Resident Card; Green Card)와 워크퍼밋 카드 (EAD; Employment Authorization Documents)를 발급해준다.
새롭게 디자인된 영주권 카드와 워크퍼밋 카드는 국가안보를 강화하고 고객서비스를 증진하기 위한 최첨단 기술을 도입해 제작됐다고 이민국은 밝혔다. 새 카드는 보다 정밀한 삽화기술로 보다 개선된 질감을 가지도록 디자인 됐으며, 최고의 안전을 위한 홀로그래픽 이미지가 도입됐다.
새 영주권 카드와 워크퍼밋 카드 디자인은 문서 위변조, 사기 등 국가안보를 위협하는 행위에 대해 사전 예방을 위한 이민국의 노력을 보여주고 있다고 이민국은 밝혔다.
구 디자인의 영주권 카드와 워크퍼밋 카드는 만료 날짜까지 유효하게 사용이 가능하며, 재발급을 신청할 경우 1월 30일부터는 새로운 디자인의 카드가 발급된다.
** 이민케이스는 시간이 중요합니다.
비용 때문이라면 망설이지 마시고 바로 저희와 상의하시기 바랍니다. 카톡상담
[이민국 공지]
USCIS Redesigns Green Card and Employment Authorization Document
Release Date
New Features Provide State-of-the-Art Security
WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today new designs to improve security of Permanent Resident Cards (also known as Green Cards) and Employment Authorization Documents (EADs). USCIS will begin issuing the redesigned cards on Jan. 30, 2023.
The new Green Card and EAD designs contain state-of-the-art technology that continue to safeguard national security and improve service for our customers. Changes include improved detailed artwork; tactile printing that is better integrated with the artwork; enhanced optically variable ink; highly secure holographic images on the front and back of the cards; a layer-reveal feature with a partial window on the back photo box; and data fields displayed in different places than on previous versions.
“This redesign further demonstrates USCIS’ commitment to taking a proactive approach against the threat of secure document tampering, counterfeiting, and fraud,” said USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou. “Consistent updates to secure documents, informed by our knowledge of the latest methods of bad actors and the innovation and ingenuity of our staff, ensure the continued integrity of secure documents issued by our agency.”
The introduction of the new designs does not mean that currently issued cards are invalid. Current cards remain valid until their expiration date (unless otherwise noted, such as through an automatic extension of a Green Card or EAD as indicated on a Form I-797, Notice of Action, or in a Federal Register notice).
Some Green Cards and EADs issued after Jan. 30, 2023, may still display the existing design format because USCIS will continue using existing cardstock until current supplies are depleted. Both versions of the cards are acceptable for Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification; E-Verify; and Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE). Some older Green Cards do not have an expiration date. These older Green Cards without an expiration date generally remain valid; however, USCIS encourages applicants with these older cards to consider applying for a replacement card to prevent fraud or tampering should the card ever get lost or stolen.
USCIS launched the current cards in May 2017. To mitigate the risk of fraud and counterfeiting, the Document Management Division in the USCIS Office of Intake and Document Production redesigns the cards every three to five years. Redesigning the cards is part of the Secure Identification Platform (SIP) Project. The SIP Project began in 2019 with extensive market research. The USCIS Document Management Division met with key industry leaders and stakeholders to learn industry best practices.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)
발표일시: 2023.1.27
이민국 (USCIS)은 2023년 10월 1일 시작되는 2024 회계연도 취업비자 H-1B 추첨 지원자 사전 등록을 오는 3월 1일 동부시간 정오부터 3월 17일 정오까지 접수받는다고 발표했다. 이 기간중에 고용주 또는 법률 대리인은 이민국 온라인시스템을 통해 등록을 할 수 있다.
오는 2월 21일 부터 myUSCIS 온라인에서 어카운트 만들 수 있으며 이를 통해 3월 1일부터 10불을 지불하고 추첨 지원자 등록을 하면 된다. 법률 대리인은 기존에 만들어둔 어카운트를 사용해 새 의뢰인을 등록할 수 있다. 등록을 하게 되면 확인번호가 부여되며 이 번호는 등록여부를 확인하는 것만 가능하며 케이스 진행상황은 확인이 안된다.
3월 17일까지 등록을 받은 결과 연간 H-1B 비자할당량 (Quota) 이상의 등록자 (Registrations)가 나올 경우 무작위 추첨 (Random Selection)을 진행하고 당첨자는 3월 31일까지 myUSCIS online account를 통해 통보를 받게 된다. 등록자 숫자가 비자할당량 보다 적을 경우 규정에 맞게 등록한 신청 등록자는 전원 당첨된 것으로 간주되어 H-1B 신청서 접수자격이 주어진다.
당첨자는 4월 1일부터 이민국에 H-1B 페티션 (I-129)을 접수할 수 있으며 승인 (Approved) 되면 10월 1일 부터 일을 할 수 있다.
[이민국 공지]
Release Date 01/27/2023
Today, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced that the initial registration period for the fiscal year 2024 H-1B cap will open at noon Eastern on March 1 and run through noon Eastern on March 17, 2023. During this period, prospective petitioners and representatives will be able to complete and submit their registrations using our online H-1B registration system.
We will assign a confirmation number to each registration submitted for the FY 2024 H-1B cap. This number is used solely to track registrations; you cannot use this number to track your case status in Case Status Online.
Prospective H-1B cap-subject petitioners or their representatives are required to use a myUSCIS online account to register each beneficiary electronically for the selection process and pay the associated $10 H-1B registration fee for each registration submitted on behalf of each beneficiary. Prospective petitioners submitting their own registrations (U.S. employers and U.S. agents, collectively known as “registrants”) will use a “registrant” account. Registrants will be able to create new accounts beginning at noon Eastern on Feb. 21.
Representatives may add clients to their accounts at any time, but both representatives and registrants must wait until March 1 to enter beneficiary information and submit the registration with the $10 fee. Prospective petitioners or their representatives will be able to submit registrations for multiple beneficiaries in a single online session. Through the account, they will be able to prepare, edit, and store draft registrations prior to final payment and submission of each registration.
If we receive enough registrations by March 17, we will randomly select registrations and send selection notifications via users’ myUSCIS online accounts. If we do not receive enough registrations, all registrations that were properly submitted in the initial registration period will be selected. We intend to notify account holders by March 31.
The U.S. Department of Treasury has approved a temporary increase in the daily credit card transaction limit from $24,999.99 to $39,999.99 per day for the FY 2024 H-1B cap season. This temporary increase is in response to the volume of previous H-1B registrations that exceeded the daily credit card limit. Additional information will be provided before the start of the initial H-1B registration period.
An H-1B cap-subject petition, including a petition for a beneficiary who is eligible for the advanced degree exemption, may only be filed by a petitioner whose registration for the beneficiary named in the H-1B petition was selected in the H-1B registration process.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)
발표일시: 2023.1.24
이민국 (USCIS)은 2023년 1월 24일 일부 서류제출 마감기한을 60일 추가로 연장해주는 이른바 "유연성" (Flexibilities) 정책을 오는 3월 23일 까지 연장한다고 발표했다.
유연성 정책이란 추가서류요청 (Request for Evidence), 거절 예고서 (Intent to Deny), 승인번복 예고서 (Intent to Revoke) 등 이민국에서 신청서 심사 (또는 재심사)를 위해 추가로 필요한 서류제출을 요청하는 수속에 대해 COVID-19 팬데믹 상황을 감안해 이민국이 정한 마감기한에서 추가로 60일을 연장해주는 임시적인 정책이다.
이에 해당되는 신청 종류는 다음과 같다. (기타 자세한 내용은 아래 이민국 공지사항 참고)
- 추가서류요청 (Requests for Evidence)
- 시민권 추가서류요청 (Continutions to Request Evidence N-14)
- 거절예고서 (Notices of Intent to Deny)
- 승인번복 예고서 (Notices of Intent to Revoke)
- 영주권 취소 예고서 (Notices of Intent to Rescind)
- 이민국 거절에 대한 항소 또는 재심사 요구 (Appeal or Motion)
[이민국 공지]
USCIS Extends COVID-19-related Flexibilities Release Date
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is extending certain COVID-19-related flexibilities through March 23, 2023. Under these flexibilities, USCIS considers a response received within 60 calendar days after the due date set forth in the following requests or notices before taking any action, if the request or notice was issued between March 1, 2020, and March 23, 2023, inclusive:
In addition, USCIS will consider a Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion, or a Form N-336, Request for a Hearing on a Decision in Naturalization Proceedings (Under Section 336 of the INA), if:
USCIS anticipates that, barring changes presented by the pandemic, this will be the final extension of these accommodations, and requesters must comply with the response requirements set forth in any request or notice dated after March 23, 2023.
As a reminder, the reproduced signature flexibility announced in March 2020 became a permanent policy on July 25, 2022.
Please visit uscis.gov/coronavirus for USCIS updates related to COVID-19.
For more information on situations such as natural disasters or other unforeseen circumstances (including COVID-related illness), where USCIS may provide accommodations, on a case-by-case basis upon request, please visit the Immigration Relief in Emergencies or Unforeseen Circumstances page.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)
발표일시: 2023.1.12
이민국 (USCIS)은 지난 1월 12일 급행서비스 (Premium Processing Service) 확대안을 최종 공지하고 오는 1월 30일부터 시행에 들어간다고 발표했다.
기존에 제한을 두던 I-140 취업이민 페티션을 사용하는 1순위 (EB-1)와 2순위 (EB-2) 몇몇 카테고리에 대해 급행신청 (Premium Processing Service)을 허용했다. 이미 일반 (Regular)으로 신청된 E13 (Multinational Executive and Manager Classification)과 E21 (Member of Professions with Advanced Degrees or Execptional Ability Seeking a National Interest Waiver, NIW) 카테고리에 급행서비스로의 업그레이드를 허용키로 한 데 더해 신규 접수케이스도 급행신청을 받아들이기로 했다.
한편, 3월중 I-765 워크퍼밋 신청이 펜딩중인 F-1 OPT (Optional Practical Training)와 STEM OPT 신청서들에도 급행서비스를 확대 적용키로 했으며, 4월중 신규 OPT, STEM OPT 신청서에도 급행서비스를 받아주기로 했다.
또한 I-539를 사용하는 신청서에도 급행서비스를 확대 적용키로 했는데, 5월중엔 펜딩중인 학생과 교환방문자 변경 또는 연장신청서에 확대 적용할 예정이며 6월중엔 신규신청에도 받아줄 예정이라고 밝혔다.
[이민국 공지]
USCIS Announces Final Phase of Premium Processing Expansion for EB-1 and EB-2 Form I-140 Petitions and Future Expansion for F-1 Students Seeking OPT and Certain Student and Exchange Visitors
Release Date 01/12/2023
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is implementing the final phase of the premium processing expansion for Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers, under the EB-1 and EB-2 classifications.
Unlike previous phases of the expansion, this phase applies to new (initial) petitions, in addition to all previously filed Form I-140 petitions under an E13 multinational executive and manager classification or E21 classification as a member of professions with advanced degrees or exceptional ability seeking a national interest waiver (NIW).
Petitioners who wish to request premium processing must file Form I-907, Request for Premium Processing Service.
Beginning Jan. 30, 2023, we will accept Form I-907 requests for:
As previously announced, we are expanding premium processing to additional form types as part of our efforts to increase efficiency and reduce burdens to the overall legal immigration system. In March, we will expand premium processing to certain F-1 students seeking Optional Practical Training (OPT) and F-1 students seeking STEM OPT extensions who have a pending Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization. In April, we will expand premium processing to F-1 students seeking OPT and F-1 students seeking STEM OPT extensions who are filing an initial Form I-765. We will announce specific dates for each group in February.
As we implement the expansion of premium processing in a phased approach, we will continue working toward premium processing availability of Form I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status. We anticipate expanding premium processing for certain student and exchange visitors with pending Form I-539 applications in May and certain student and exchange visitors who are filing initial Form I-539 applications in June. We will make an announcement when we are ready to implement these phases. We will also adhere to the legislative requirement that the expansion of premium processing does not result in an increase in processing times for immigration benefit requests not designated for premium processing or an increase in regular processing of immigration benefit requests so designated.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)
발표일시: 2023.1.3
이민국 (USCIS)은 지난 1월 3일 이민국 신청서 접수비 (Filing Fee) 인상안을 입법예고하고 60일간의 의견수렴기간을 거쳐 결정하기로 했다. 인상안이 결정되면 3월초 인상된 접수비가 적용될 예정이다.
이민국은 행정운영비용의 약 96%를 접수비에 의존하며, 통상적으로 2년마다 접수비 인상을 단행한다. 이번 이민국 접수비 인상은 2016년 이후 약 7년만이다. 이민국은 이번 접수비 인상을 통해 인도주의적 프로그램을 확대하고, 이민국 직원에 대한 연방공무원급 인건비 인상, 인력충원, 필수요소에 대한 투자 등에 사용될 예정이라고 밝혔다. 이민국은 이를 통해 그동안 적체된 신청서를 해소하고 정상화할 수 있다고 덧붙였다.
이번 인상안의 특이점은 일부 신청서의 경우 온라인 (Online) 신청과 서면 (Paper) 신청의 접수비에 차등을 두고있으며, 급행서비스 (Premium Processing) 비용에 대해선 인상은 없지만 수속기간을 기존의 휴일 포함 15일 (Calendar Days)에서 업무일 기준 15일 (Business Days)로 변경했다.
** 이민케이스는 시간이 중요합니다.
비용 때문이라면 망설이지 마시고 바로 저희와 상의하시기 바랍니다. 카톡상담
[이민국 공지]
Release Date 01/03/2023
WASHINGTON—Today, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to adjust certain immigration and naturalization benefit request fees. The new fees would allow USCIS to more fully recover its operating costs, reestablish and maintain timely case processing, and prevent the accumulation of future case backlogs. USCIS receives approximately 96 percent of its funding from filing fees, not from congressional appropriations.
The proposed fee rule is the result of a comprehensive fee review at USCIS. That review determined that the agency’s current fees, which have remained unchanged since 2016, fall far short of recovering the full cost of agency operations. USCIS generally publishes a fee rule biennially, and proposes these changes to account for the expansion of humanitarian programs, federally mandated pay raises, additional staffing requirements, and other essential investments.
In 2020, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic led to a dramatic reduction in receipts of new applications, resulting in a temporary drop in revenue by 40 percent. The combination of depleted cash reserves, a temporary hiring freeze, and workforce attrition has reduced the agency’s capacity to timely adjudicate cases, particularly as incoming caseloads rebound to pre-pandemic levels.
The proposed rule would increase some fees, including a modest increase in the fee for certain naturalization applications, while preserving existing fee waiver eligibility for low-income and vulnerable populations and adding new fee exemptions for certain humanitarian programs. If finalized, the proposed rule would decrease or minimally increase fees for more than one million low-income filers each year.
“In addition to improving customer service operations and managing the incoming workload, USCIS must continue to fulfill our growing humanitarian mission, upholding fairness, integrity, and respect for all we serve,” said USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou. “This proposed rule allows USCIS to more fully recover operating costs for the first time in six years and will support the Administration’s effort to rebuild the legal immigration system.”
New measures include a proposal to incorporate biometrics costs into the main benefit fee and remove the separate biometric services fee; establish separate fees for each nonimmigrant classification covered by Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Workers; change the premium processing timeframe from 15 calendar days to 15 business days; and institute lower fees for certain forms filed online. The proposed rule would not change fee waiver eligibility requirements. The projected revenues resulting from the proposed rule would allow USCIS to increase the number of adjudicators processing applications, implement technology improvements, and increase support provided to individuals seeking information and assistance from USCIS.
The 60-day public comment period starts following publication of the NPRM in the Federal Register. Fees will not change until the final rule goes into effect, after the public has had the opportunity to comment and USCIS finalizes the fee schedule in response to such comments. USCIS will host a public engagement session on the proposed fee rule on January 11, 2023.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)
발표일시: 2022.12.19
이민국 (USCIS)은 체류신분 (I-94)이 자의 또는 타의에 의해 종료된 E-1, E-2, E-3, H-1B, H-1B1, L-1, O-1, TN 등 취업관련 비이민 비자신분 소지자 (Nonimmigrant Worker)들에게는 60일간의 Grace Period가 허용된다며, 이들 비이민 노동자가 이러한 상황에서 선택할 수 있는 옵션을 설명했다.
비이민 노동자들은 본래 비이민 체류신분으로 일하고 있는 회사를 사직하거나 해고되어 그만둘 경우 원칙적으로 체류신분이 종료된다. 하지만 이들 비이민자들에게 법규정이 허가한 기간동안 (예, H-1B 6년)은 신분을 변경 (Change of Status) 하거나 타 회사로 이직 (Transfer, Change of Employer) 할 수 있는 시간적 여유를 60일 동안 부여한다. 이 기간동안 영주권신청 (Adjustment of Status)을 할 수도 있다. 이민국에 신청서를 접수한 이후 결론을 받을 때까지는 불법체류로 간주되지 않는다.
이러한 선택을 할 수 있는 시간은 이민국으로 부여받은 체류 만료기간 내에서 회사를 그만둔 시점부터 60일이 주어진다. 즉, 만료 기간까지 60일 이상이 남아있는 경우는 60일이 모두 주어지지만, 60일 이전에 만료가 된다면 그 날짜까지만 Grace Period가 적용된다.
** 이민케이스는 시간이 중요합니다.
비용 때문이라면 망설이지 마시고 바로 저희와 상의하시기 바랍니다. 카톡상담
[이민국 공지]
Options for Nonimmigrant Workers Following Termination of Employment
Release Date 12/19/2022
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is providing information for nonimmigrant workers whose employment has terminated, either voluntarily or involuntarily. These workers may have several options for remaining in the United States in a period of authorized stay based on existing rules and regulations.
Below is a compilation of options that may be available to nonimmigrant workers seeking to remain in the United States in a period of authorized stay following termination. Please note that not all options below provide employment authorization.
60-Day Grace Period
Regulations permit a discretionary grace period that allows workers in E-1, E-2, E-3, H-1B, H-1B1, L-1, O-1, or TN classifications (and their dependents) to be considered as having maintained status following the cessation of employment for up to 60 consecutive calendar days or until the end of the authorized validity period, whichever is shorter (See 8 CFR 214.1(l)(2)).
During this period, workers may be able to maintain their nonimmigrant status if a new employer timely files a petition on their behalf with an extension of stay request (e.g., an H-1B change of employer petition for a worker in H-1B status).
Alternatively, workers may be able to remain in the United States in a period of authorized stay if they timely file an application to change to a new nonimmigrant status (such as B-2 visitor nonimmigrant status) or an application for adjustment of status, if eligible (see below for a detailed overview of options).
Workers who are unable to timely file a change of status application, or find a new employer who timely files a change of employer petition for the worker, may be required to depart the United States at the end of this grace period.
Portability to a New Employer
Portability rules permit workers currently in H-1B status to begin working for a new employer as soon as the employer properly files a new H-1B petition with USCIS, without waiting for the petition to be approved. More information about H-1B portability can be found on our H-1B Specialty Occupations page.
Also, a worker with an adjustment of status application (Form I-485) that has been pending for at least 180 days with an underlying valid immigrant visa petition (Form I-140) has the ability to transfer the underlying immigrant visa petition to a new offer of employment in the same or similar occupational classification with the same or a new employer. This is commonly referred to as “porting.” More information about porting can be found in the USCIS Policy Manual.
Change of Status
Workers may use the up to 60-day discretionary grace period to apply to change their nonimmigrant status, which may include changing status to become the dependent of a spouse (e.g., H-4, L-2). Some individuals in a dependent nonimmigrant status may be eligible for employment authorization incident to status, including spouses of E-1, E-2, E-3, or L-1 nonimmigrants (See USCIS Policy Manual). In addition, some spouses of H-1B workers may be eligible for work employment authorization if certain requirements are met.
Other possible nonimmigrant options include student status (F-1) or visitor status (B-1 or B-2). Note that, by statute, B-1 and B-2 nonimmigrant visitors are specifically precluded from “performing skilled or unskilled labor” in the United States. Certain F-1 students, by regulation, may engage in limited employment. For more information, please see our Change My Nonimmigrant Status page.
Potential pathways for noncitizen STEM professionals can be found on our Options for Noncitizen STEM Professionals to Work in the United States page.
Note: The timely filing of a non-frivolous application to change status will toll, or stop, the accrual of unlawful presence until the application is adjudicated. For example, if an individual files a non-frivolous application to change status before the end of the applicant’s 60-day grace period, they will not accrue unlawful presence while the application remains pending even after the 60-day grace period has elapsed. If the application is ultimately approved, then the individual’s status is changed and is considered to have been in a period of authorized presence the entire time the application was pending. If the application is denied, then the individual starts to accrue unlawful presence the day after the denial decision. Please see our Unlawful Presence and Inadmissibility page for more information.
Change of Status and Employer
Workers may use the up to 60-day discretionary grace period to seek a new employer-sponsored nonimmigrant status in the same or different status. For example, depending on the specific facts presented, an L-1 worker may be eligible for new employment under the TN, E-3, or H-1B1 classifications. The timely filing of a non-frivolous change of status application will prevent the accrual of unlawful presence until the application is adjudicated (see above). Such a filing alone will not, however, confer employment authorization in the new position during the pendency of the application, and will not extend employment authorization if the original classification is no longer valid. Some petitions may be eligible for premium processing for an additional fee.
Adjustment of Status
Some workers may be eligible to file a self-petitioned immigrant visa petition concurrently with an adjustment of status application. Examples of immigrant classifications that are eligible for self-petitioning include EB-1 Extraordinary Ability, EB-2 National Interest Waiver, or EB-5 Immigrant Investors. Workers with a pending adjustment application are generally eligible to remain in the United States and obtain an Employment Authorization Document (EAD).
Period of Authorized Stay - Compelling Circumstances Employment Authorization Document
Workers who are the beneficiary of an approved employment-based immigrant visa petition (Form I-140) may be eligible for a compelling circumstances EAD for up to one year if they:
Note: A compelling circumstances EAD is a discretionary stopgap measure intended to assist certain individuals on the path to lawful permanent residence by preventing the need to abruptly leave the United States. Workers who begin working on a compelling circumstances EAD will no longer be maintaining nonimmigrant status but generally will be considered to be in a period of authorized stay and will not accrue unlawful presence in the United States while the EAD is valid. More information about eligibility requirements and the application process can be found on our Employment Authorization in Compelling Circumstances page.
Expedite Criteria
Some circumstances may warrant expedited adjudication, including applications to change status to a dependent status that includes eligibility for employment authorization. For example, an application to change status from H-1B to L-2 may be eligible for expedited adjudication to prevent severe financial loss. See the How to Make an Expedite Request page for additional information.
Departure from the United States
Workers may choose to depart the United States. For H-1B and O workers who chose to depart the United States after involuntary cessation of employment, the reasonable costs of transportation to the worker’s last place of foreign residence must be borne by the H-1B employer or by the O employer and O petitioner, as applicable (See 8 CFR 214.2(h)(4)(iii)(E) and 8 CFR 214.2(o)(16)).
Once abroad, H-1B holders may seek U.S. employment and readmission to the United States for any remaining period of their H-1B status. Those seeking another classification for which they may be eligible can complete the application or petition process abroad and seek readmission to the United States.
The above information is now available on our new Options for Nonimmigrant Workers Following Termination of Employment page.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)
2022년 12월 14일
미 국토안보부 (US Department of Homeland Security)는 12월 14일 연방관보 (Federal Register)를 통해 현재의 시민권시험시스템을 개선하기 위해 이민국 (USCIS)에서 내년초부터 사전테스트 (Trial)를 시행한다고 밝혔다.
이민국은 2023년 1월 12일 사전테스트에 대한 가상 온라인 소개행사를 진행할 예정이다. 이번 시민권 시험 업데이트 계획은 2021년 2월 2일 발표된 바이든 행정부의 행정명령 이행에 따른 것으로, 시민권 수속 개선책의 일환으로 시행되는 것.
바이든 행정부의 행정명령에 의하면, 시민권 수속시스템의 업데이트란 수속시간의 단축, 자격을 갖춘 신청자의 접근성 증진, 국적이탈에 관한 정책과 시행에 대한 검토 등 다양한 측면에서의 시민권 시험제도의 틀을 업데이트 하려는 계획이다.
다음은 2021년 2월 2일 바이든 행정부 행정명령중 시민권시험제도 증진에 관한 명령 파트이다.
Sec. 5. Promoting Naturalization. (a) Improving the naturalization process. The Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall, within 60 days of the date of this order, develop a plan describing any agency actions, in furtherance of the policy set forth in section 1 of this order, that they will take to:
(i) eliminate barriers in and otherwise improve the existing naturalization process, including by conducting a comprehensive review of that process with particular emphasis on the N-400 application, fingerprinting, background and security checks, interviews, civics and English language tests, and the oath of allegiance;
(ii) substantially reduce current naturalization processing times;
(iii) make the naturalization process more accessible to all eligible individuals, including through a potential reduction of the naturalization fee and restoration of the fee waiver process;
(iv) facilitate naturalization for eligible candidates born abroad and members of the military, in consultation with the Department of Defense; and
(v) review policies and practices regarding denaturalization and passport revocation to ensure that these authorities are not used excessively or inappropriately.
(b) Implementing improvements to the naturalization process. Within 180 days of the issuance of the plan developed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall each submit a report to the President describing the progress in implementing the plan, any barriers to implementing the plan, and any additional areas of concern that should be addressed to ensure that eligible individuals are able to apply for naturalization in a fair and efficient manner.
(c) Strategy to promote naturalization. There is established an Interagency Working Group on Promoting Naturalization (Naturalization Working Group) to develop a national strategy to promote naturalization. The Naturalization Working Group shall be chaired by the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Secretary’s designee, and it shall include the heads of the following agencies, or senior-level officials designated by the head of each agency:
(i) the Secretary of Labor;
(ii) the Secretary of Health and Human Services;
(iii) the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;
(iv) the Secretary of Education;
(v) the Secretary of Homeland Security;
(vi) the Commissioner of Social Security; and
(vii) the heads of other agencies invited to participate by the Working Group chair.
(d) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Naturalization Working Group shall submit a strategy to the President outlining steps the Federal Government should take to promote naturalization, including the potential development of a public awareness campaign.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)
발표일시: 2022.12.9
이민국은 12월12일부터 시민권 신청자에게 영주권 카드 유효기간을 만료일로부터 24개월 자동 연장해준다.
영주권카드 유효기간 자동 연장은 시민권신청서 (N-400) 접수증 (Receipt Notice) 에 명시해주며, 영주권카드의 만료기간이 지난후부터는 반드시 N-400 접수증 원본을 만료된 영주권카드와 함께 제시해야 유효한 영주권카드로 인정받는다. 즉, 기존에는 시민권 신청을 해놓고 만료된 영주권으로 해외여행을 할 경우 가까운 이민국 지부 (Field Office)에 예약하고 여권에 영주권 연장 스탬프를 받아야 했다. 또한 일을 할 수 있는 신분증명으로서 제출할 경우에도 마찬가지였다.
이는 시민권신청 수속이 지연되면서 애초 이민국의 수속 목표 시간인 6개월이 넘어가는 케이스가 많아 시민권 신청자들의 불편함이 가중되고 이민국 필드오피스의 업무량이 증가하여 이를 해소하기 위한 대안으로 나온 규정이다.
단, 24개월 자동연장 혜택을 받으려면 이민법 규정에 의한 적절한 시민권신청 절차에 따라 접수해야 한다.
[이민국 공지]
USCIS Updates Policy to Automatically Extend Green Cards for Naturalization Applicants
Release Date 12/09/2022
Effective Dec. 12, 2022, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is updating the USCIS Policy Manual to allow USCIS to automatically extend the validity of Permanent Resident Cards (commonly called Green Cards) for lawful permanent residents who have applied for naturalization.
This update (PDF, 307.54 KB) is expected to help naturalization applicants who experience longer processing times, because they will receive an extension of lawful permanent resident (LPR) status and may not need to file Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card (Green Card). LPRs who properly file Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, may receive this extension without regard to whether they filed Form I-90. USCIS will update the language on Form N-400 receipt notices to extend Green Cards for up to 24 months for these applicants. The receipt notice can be presented with the expired Green Card as evidence of continued status as well as identity and employment authorization under List A of Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9), if presented before the expiration of the 24-month extension period provided in the notice.
Prior to this change, under USCIS policy, naturalization applicants who did not apply for naturalization at least six months before their Green Card expiration date needed to file Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card (Green Card), to maintain proper documentation of their lawful status. Applicants who applied for naturalization at least six months prior to their Green Card expiration were eligible to receive an Alien Documentation, Identification, and Telecommunications (ADIT) stamp in their passport, which served as temporary evidence of their LPR status. This policy was based on the processing goal of 180 days or six months for Form N-400s, which would make filing Form I-90 unnecessary for applicants who filed at least six months before their Green Card expiration date. This policy update recognizes USCIS’ current processing times, while improving flexibility and efficiency by reducing the number of ADIT stamp appointments in field offices and the number of Form I-90s filed, which allows for these resources to be focused on other immigration benefit adjudications.
The extension will apply to all applicants who file Form N-400 on or after Dec. 12, 2022. LPRs who filed for naturalization prior to Dec. 12 will not receive a Form N-400 receipt notice with the extension. If their Green Card expires, they generally must still file Form I-90 or receive an ADIT stamp in their passport, in order to maintain valid evidence of their lawful permanent resident status. Lawful permanent residents who lose their Green Card generally must still file Form I-90, even if they have applied for naturalization and received the automatic extension under this updated policy. This is because noncitizens must carry within their personal possession proof of registration, such as the Green Card and any evidence of extensions or may be subject to criminal prosecution under INA 264(e). Applicants who require an ADIT stamp may request an appointment at a USCIS Field Office by contacting the USCIS Contact Center.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)
발표일시: 2022.11.16
이민국 신청서 접수업무의 효율을 높이기 위한 권장사항이 공지됐다. 온라인 접수가 아닌 페이퍼 신청의 경우 스테이플은 물론 펀치후 클리핑 하는 것도 이민국 스캔작업을 지연시키기 때문에 자제하도록 했다.
또한 규격용지 (일반적으로 Letter Size)가 아닌 크고 작은 사이즈의 페이퍼를 사용하지 말 것이며, 폼 설명서 등에 필요사항으로 요청된 것이 아니라면 원본을 제출하지 말도록 당부했다.
사본 한부 (one copy) 이외에 중복된 서류를 제출하지 말 것이며, 규정상 추가 사본을 보내야 할 경우엔 맨 앞에 "Copy"라고 분명히 명시하도록 했다. (일반적으로 Duplicate)
이민국은 이밖에도 페이퍼 접수방법에 대한 세부적인 권장사항을 설명하고 이를 지키지 않을 경우 해당 케이스 수속이 지연될 수 있다고 경고하고 있다.
** 이민케이스는 시간이 중요합니다.
비용 때문이라면 망설이지 마시고 바로 저희와 상의하시기 바랍니다. 카톡상담
[이민국 공지]
Release Date 11/16/2022
As we move toward an increasing electronic environment, we now scan and upload many documents into electronic database systems. To avoid delays and improve scanning efficiency, we recommend that you do not:
Avoiding these activities will improve our efficiency as we process your application, petition, or request.
스마트이주공사 (Smart Korean Consulting)